Uncategorized Archives | Meyer Amps

Groove Jam | Feat. Matthias Knorr | Gibson ES-335

Demo Meyer Amps – Niels van der Steenhoven

Demo of the Meyer Brighton amp.

Niels van der Steenhoven plays fuzzy blues

Demo of the Meyer Brighton amp. Signal chain: Smitty Custom Strat – MI Audio Blues Pro (fuzz mode on) – Jan Ray clone – Strymon Timeline – Strymon Flint – Meyer Brighton tube head. Enjoy!

Locked Up by Guido Wilbers

Enjoy the following composition by Guido Wilbers on guitar with the support of Matthias Knorr on drums and Lucien Matheeuwsen on bass guitar.

Guido Wilbers Unleashes New Song ‘Steps’

Following an intense period of musical creativity, Guido Wilbers has unleashed a new track, “Steps”. During the last period, which was mainly dominated by news about corona, Guido composed the song Steps. Performed with Matthias Knorr on drums, Lucien Matheeuwsen on bass, Maarten Voortman on pian and Guido Wilbers on guitar. Guido Wilbers uses a […]

Collaboration with Guido Wilbers

At Meyer-Amps we are excited about an imminent collaboration with guitar virtuoso Guido Wilbers. We will write more about this in the not too distant future, but prepare yourself for spectacular demonstrations of the incomparable combination of Guido Wilbers and Meyer-Amps.

Donnerwetterday @ LuxorLive

Donnerwetter Day is de releaseparty XL voor het nieuwe album van Donnerwetter! De band besloot om het groots aan te pakken en naast een eigen show een programma tot diep in de nacht te bieden. Van 19:00u tot 05:00u staat er in de grote zaal een uitbundige mix en viering van muziek, design, spoken word […]

Yannick Scheper Camelia’s Illusion on a set of Meyer Amps

Yannick Scheper, guitarist of the band from Belgium – Camelia’s Illusion – is a proud owner of two Meyer amps; a Brighton 45 and Blackpool 55.

Recording tone samples for Blackpool 55 Head

Recording tone samples for the Meyer Blackpool 55 head with artist Yannick Schepers. Yannick is the proud owner of a custom made rosewood Hilko guitar. Recording done using Sure SM57 and SM58 and Tascam US336, no audio processing done.

Customer quote about Brighton upgrade

“Hi people at Meyer Amps, Some time ago I requested an upgrade of my Brigthon 20 combo to the more powerful version. The amplifier now has much more clean headroom and power, without losing its specific Brighton sound. Having played now more than 15 shows with the amp must conlcude that I am more than […]